1st to know home search

1st to Know email is a service that searches properties from any company in all our MLSs each day and provides you with e-mail updates if there are any new listings, open houses, or price reductions meeting your search criteria…making you the 1st to Know. 1st to Know puts you at an advantage in this competitive buyer’s market. This information is the most current, complete and accurate since it’s never more than 24 hours old and it’s letting you know via email right away of any new opportunities. If you are new to 1st to Know email service. Register Above.

Track Market Activity: Monitor up to five (5) desired areas for new listings, price changes, open houses, sales and current list prices. 1st to Know allows you to customize areas of interest and view your market, market changes and statistics instantly.

Save Searches: Save custom searches and receive email alerts when new properties match your search criteria, including new listings, price changes and sales. 1st to Know’s home page allows you to view your searches and results at your convenience.

Save and Rate Your Favorite Properties: Save and rate your favorite properties, including the opportunity to share comments on your favorites and more.

Set Target Prices for Properties: Set target prices for active listings of interest and receive immediate email alerts when the price of the listing reaches or drops below your target price.

Receive Recommendations: If you work with a Real Estate One Agent or request one, you may receive property recommendations direct to your 1st to Know account.